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How To Develop Self Compassion From The Inside Out

September 02, 20234 min read

As a professional navigating the demands of a dynamic and often challenging consulting environment, I've come to realize that my most valuable resource is not just my skillset or knowledge as a psychologist or executive coach, but my inner intelligence. This inner intelligence encompasses a range of qualities, and one of the most transformative aspects I've discovered is the power of self-compassion. In a world where high standards and constant performance are the norm, I believe that nurturing our self-compassion has become an indispensable tool for maintaining personal well-being and professional effectiveness.

Embracing Imperfections

In the pursuit of excellence, it's easy to forget that we are human beings, not machines programmed for perfection. Recognizing that mistakes and imperfections are a natural part of the journey has been a crucial step in nurturing my own inner intelligence. Instead of dwelling too long on my shortcomings, I've learned to treat myself with the kindness and understanding that I normally extend to someone that I coach or counsel who is facing challenges.

Navigating Setbacks with Kindness

More and more these days, when I am faced with setbacks or failures, I am opting to allow my inner intelligence to guide me toward self-compassion as a way to bounce back and learn from the challenging experience. Rather than berating myself for not meeting my own expectations, I am now approaching setbacks with curiosity and kindness. This approach has not only accelerated my inner growth but also shifted my perspective on many of my challenges... they are no longer roadblocks but stepping stones and opportunities to progress… and even to change direction... and do things differently...

Mindful Self-Care

Amidst the ups and downs, and the hustle and bustle of our professional lives, taking time for our self-care is often overlooked. However, through focusing on my inner intelligence I have learned that self-care isn't a luxury; it's a necessity for sustained well-being. It is a psychological and physiological neccessity. It is an emotional, pysical and even spiritual 'must'! Practicing mindfulness, whether through meditation, walks, or deep breaths, allows me to reconnect with myself, alleviate stress, re-center myself, and refocus on what truly matters.

Building Emotional Resilience

Focusing on being compassionate with myself has also helped me develop greater emotional resilience, which I think is an essential quality for navigating the highs and lows of our careers. Acknowledging my feelings and trying to do so without less and less judgment and offering myself tons of words of encouragement in difficult times have proven to be powerful buffers against stress and burnout. This emotional fortitude has been very helpful and enables me to face challenges with a clearer mind, a more open heart and a wider perspective.

Fostering More Positive Relationships

The practice of self-compassion has a ripple effect, extending beyond self-care to positively impact my interactions with my clients. By treating myself more kindly and gently, I've noticed an increased capacity to extend the same gentle approach to others. I have also seen how this helps the people that I coach become less stressed when they apply it to their lives. This not only strengthens their professional relationships but also creates a supportive work environment where well-being is valued.

Cultivating self-compassion is a journey of discovering the depth & scope of my inner intelligence and its transformative impact on my well-being as a professional. By embracing my own limitations and imperfections, navigating setbacks with kindness, and prioritizing my own self-care, seem to have resulted in my feeling better about myself, thinking more empowering thoughts about myself and engaging in more positive activities in my professional life.

Self Compassion - Not Self Critique

Based on my experiences, my suggestion to you is that you be more gentle on yourself particularly when you make mistakes or don't do things the way that you know you should. Don't see this as making 'excuses'... but but as making spaces where you can and will do things differently with better outcomes.

Yes... Give yourself a break! And this 'break' will create the space for you to be more effective and efficient.... and better!

Other People Have Their Own Challenges

You will be woefully disappointed if you are waiting for other people (even close associates) to have compassion with respect to your mistakes and errors. They are too busy dealing with their own! And even if you do get some attention... a lot of times it comes packaged as pity.

So... you need to stand up for yourself... and take care of your 'compassion' needs!

Put your arm around your own shoulder, pat yourself on the back, say a kind, positive and uplifting word to yourself, embrace all of who you are - both mistakes and successes...

Treat yourself to the power of self-comapssion!

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Dr. Marcus Mottley

Author & Creator, Clinical Psychologist, Executive, Positive Psychology & Neuroscience Coach

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